PHP Form Builder - Advanced HTML forms generator with Drag & Drop

Last Update 2 August 2024 version 6.0.4

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PHP Form Builder is a complete library based on a PHP class, which allows you to program any type of form and layout them using simple functions and/or using its drag & drop form generator.

Forms can both be generated with Drag & drop and/or programmed in PHP.

PHP Form Builder includes the best Javascript plugins available and allows you to implement them in a very simple and elegant way.

Validation (live and server side), sending emails and records in a database are also extremely simplified.

The documentation is suitable for both novice PHP users and experienced programmers.

Numerous examples of code are available: TemplatesHow toFunction reference, ...

Quick & efficient help guaranteed.

Please note that, unlike most other Form Builders, PHP Form Builder does not have a built-in backend.
This allows users to manage form data as they see fit.

The provided PHP PDO class provides all the necessary functions for inserting/editing records in a MySQL database.


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